Woodard v. Navient Solutions, LLC et al.
Woodard v. Navient Solutions Settlement
Case No. 23-cv-00301-RFR
Adv. Proc. No. 21-08023-TLS

Frequently Asked Questions


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  • Class Members received the Notice because they were identified as a borrower or a co-borrower on one or more student loans owned or serviced by Navient that are the subject of the Lawsuit. The Court directed that the Notice be sent to Class Members so they could evaluate whether they wanted to be included in a settlement of the Lawsuit. The Notice explains the Lawsuit, the Settlement, and Class Members' legal rights.

    Exhibit 1 sets forth the loan or loans on which Class Members are a borrower or a co-borrower that are covered by the Settlement. The Settlement only covers Class Members' student loan or loans that are listed on Exhibit 1. The Settlement will have no impact on any other student loans Class Members may have that are not listed on Exhibit 1.

  • The Lawsuit deals with certain “Private Student Loans,” which for this purpose are defined as student loans that were not made, insured, or guaranteed by a governmental unit or non-profit institution, were not made under any program funded in whole or in part by any governmental entity or non-profit institution, and were not for attendance at schools that were accredited under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965.

    The Lawsuit alleges that these Private Student Loans are “dischargeable” in bankruptcy. The Lawsuit also alleges that, by collecting or attempting to collect on Private Student Loans from borrowers or co-borrowers who obtained discharge orders in their bankruptcy cases, the Defendants violated bankruptcy court orders.

    The Lawsuit seeks three main forms of relief: (1) an order requiring the Defendants to forego collection and to never attempt to collect on any remaining balances on Private Student Loans for borrowers or co-borrowers who obtained discharge orders in their bankruptcy cases; (2) an order requiring the Defendants to pay damages to borrowers or co-borrowers who obtained discharge orders in their bankruptcy cases; and (3) penalties against the Defendants for having allegedly violated bankruptcy court orders and the Bankruptcy Code.

    The Defendants disagree with the allegations in the Lawsuit. They deny that all Private Student Loans are dischargeable in bankruptcy. They deny that they violated bankruptcy orders. Finally, the Defendants deny that they have any liability to forego collection of any loan balances, to pay any damages to any borrowers, or to pay any penalties.

  • The Lawsuit and the Settlement cover only loans that were made by private lenders for attendance at non-Title IV schools and that were not made under any program funded in whole or in part by any governmental entity or non-profit institution. There are many types of student loans that are not covered by the Lawsuit and the Settlement, including federal loans under the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program, the Federal Family Education Loan Program, and the Federal Perkins Loan Program.

    Class Members have been identified as having one or more student loans that are covered by the Lawsuit and the Settlement. Class Members’ loans that are covered by the Lawsuit and the Settlement are listed on Exhibit 1 to the Notice. If Class Members have other student loans not listed on Exhibit 1, they are not covered by the Lawsuit or the Settlement. Settlement is approved will have no impact on Class Members’ obligations with respect to any student loans that are not listed on Exhibit 1.

  • The Lawsuit was brought by Kenneth Joseph Woodard, referred to as the “Plaintiff” or the “Class Representative,” for himself and on behalf of other people with similar claims. Plaintiff agreed to a settlement after considering, among other things: (1) the substantial benefits to himself and the class under the terms of the Settlement; (2) the risks, costs, and uncertainty of continued litigation, especially in a complex case like this one; and (3) the desirability of securing a prompt resolution in order to provide effective relief to himself and the class.

    The courts have not and will not decide whether Plaintiff’s claims or Defendants’ defenses have any merit. The Settlement does not suggest that Defendants have or have not done anything wrong or that Plaintiff or the class would or would not win if the Lawsuit went to trial.

  • In a class action, one or more people, called named plaintiffs or class representatives, sue on behalf of other people who have similar claims. All the people constitute the class and are considered class members. One court resolves the issues for all class members, except for those who exclude themselves from the class.

  • The people covered by the Settlement are referred to as the “Settlement Class.” With some limited exceptions, the Settlement Class includes all individuals who meet each of the following criteria: (1) they filed for bankruptcy protection in any United States Bankruptcy Court located outside of the states of Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi on or after October 17, 2005; (2) before their bankruptcy filing, they became obligated to repay one or more “Covered Student Loans,” either as a borrower or as a co-borrower; (3) they obtained in their bankruptcy case an order of discharge issued by the bankruptcy court; and (4) they have never reaffirmed their “Covered Student Loan(s).”

    For purposes of the Settlement, a “Covered Student Loan” is generally defined as a student loan that: (a) was not made, insured, or guaranteed by a governmental unit or non-profit institution; (b) was not made under any program funded in whole or in part by any governmental entity or non-profit institution; (c) was for attendance at a school that was not accredited under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965; and (d) is owned or serviced by Navient. The specific loans that are covered by the Settlement are listed on a “Covered Loan List” that is attached to the Stipulation of Settlement. Regardless of the general definition of “Covered Student Loan,” any loans not included on the “Covered Loan List” are not included in this Settlement.

    The Covered Student Loan or Loans on which Class Members are a borrower or a co-borrower are listed on Exhibit 1 to the Notice.

  • The Settlement Class will not include persons who timely and validly requested exclusion.

  • The options for Class Members in this Settlement were to remain in the Settlement Class, exclude oneself from the Settlement Class, or remain in the Settlement Class and object to any part of the Settlement.  

    To remain in the Settlement Class, a Class Member had to do nothing and receive non-cash benefits, or one could have completed and submitted a Claim Form by no later than November 13, 2023, and potentially receive a payment under the Settlement.

    To exclude oneself from the Settlement Class, you must have notified the Settlement Administrator by no later than November 8, 2023. By excluding oneself, a Class Member is not eligible for any relief or payments under the Settlement, is not able to object to the Settlement, will not be bound by orders in this matter, and will keep one’s right to sue or enter any other lawsuit against defendants in regards to these issues. 

    To remain in the Settlement and object to any part of the Settlement by filing a written objection with the District Court, you must have filed and properly served any objection you decided to make on or before November 8, 2023.


  • If you did nothing, you will remain a member of the Settlement Class.  As a member of the Settlement Class, you will automatically receive certain non-cash benefits of the Settlement in the form of confirmed discharge of your Covered Loan or Loans, each of which will be deemed to have been discharged in bankruptcy.

    If you did not exclude yourself from the Settlement Class, then all of the Bankruptcy Court’s and District Court’s orders related to the Settlement will apply to you and will prevent you from ever participating in any other lawsuit against the Defendants with respect to the Covered Student Loan.

  • The full terms of the Settlement are set forth in a written Stipulation of Settlement that is on file in the Clerk’s office and posted in the Important Documents section. The Stipulation of Settlement provides that Navient will:

    • Forego collection of any outstanding balances (including principal, interest, and fees) on any and all Covered Student Loan or Loans listed on Exhibit 1 to the Notice. Under this agreement, Navient will never again attempt to collect from you any amounts on Covered Student Loan or Loans listed on Exhibit 1. (You do not need to submit a Claim Form in order to receive this benefit.)
    • Take steps to delete all trade lines at credit-reporting agencies about your Covered Student Loan or Loans listed on Exhibit 1 or update the trade lines to reflect that the Loan was or Loans were subject to a bankruptcy discharge. (You do not need to submit a Claim Form to obtain this benefit.)
    • Establish a Settlement Fund of $28 million to pay damages claims for those Settlement Class Members who submitted timely Claim Forms that are approved by the Settlement Administrator.
    • Pay to you as damages all or a portion of the amounts collected by Navient since the date of your bankruptcy discharge that were paid to Navient by you from your personal funds. (You did need to submit a Claim Form to obtain this benefit.).

    Navient will not pay to you any portion of amounts paid to Navient by any co-borrower. (The Damages column on Exhibit 1 lists the total amount of payments Navient has received on your Covered Student Loan or Loans since the date of your discharge. To obtain a refund of all or a portion of this amount, you must have submitted a Claim Form, under penalty of perjury, identifying the portion of the amount in the Damages column that were paid to Navient by you.)

  • The Settlement will provide three potential benefits to you: (1) Navient’s agreement to forego collection of any balances currently shown as outstanding on your Covered Student Loan or Loans listed on Exhibit 1 to the Notice; (2) the repayment to you as damages of all or a portion of any amounts you have paid to Navient on your Covered Student Loan or Loans listed on Exhibit 1 since the date of your bankruptcy discharge if you submitted a Claim; and (3) the provision of either deleted or updated trade line information to credit-reporting agencies about your Covered Student Loan or Loans listed on Exhibit 1. You can read the Final Judgment and Order as well as the Memorandum and Order Granting Final Approval in the Important Documents section.

    PLEASE NOTE: The Settlement will NOT terminate, eliminate, or reduce your obligation or the obligation of any co-borrower to make payment to Navient on any student loans owned or serviced by Navient that are not listed on Exhibit 1. Navient will retain all of its rights and remedies, including the right to collect, on any student loans that are not listed on Exhibit 1.

  • The Settlement will NOT terminate, eliminate, or reduce the obligation of anyone other than you to make payment to Navient on any Covered Student Loan or Loans listed on Exhibit 1 to the Notice. Any co-borrower or co-signer will remain obligated unless he or she is himself or herself a member of the Settlement Class by virtue of having obtained his or her own bankruptcy discharge. Upon approval of the Settlement, Navient will retain all of its rights and remedies, including the right to collect on any Covered Student Loan or Loans listed on Exhibit 1, against all co-borrowers or co-signers who are not themselves Class Members, even if those co-borrowers or co-signers are related to you or are members of your family or household.

  • The Damages column on Exhibit 1 to the Notice lists the total amount of payments received by Navient on your Covered Student Loan or Loans since the date of your discharge.

    Navient will refund to you all or a portion of any amounts identified in the Damages column on Exhibit 1 that were paid to Navient by you. Navient will not repay to you any portion of the amounts in the Damages column on Exhibit 1 that were paid to Navient by any co-borrower.

    To obtain this benefit under the Settlement, you must have submitted a Claim Form under penalty of perjury, identifying the portion of the amount in the Damages column of Exhibit 1 that was paid to Navient by you and not by any co-borrower. The Claim Form must have been submitted to the Settlement Administrator by no later than November 13, 2023.

    PLEASE NOTE: By signing the Claim Form, you attested, under penalty of perjury, that the information contained in the form is true and correct. Intentionally or knowingly providing false information in the Claim Form could constitute a federal crime and could subject you to criminal or civil penalties.

  • Not all members of the Settlement Class are eligible to receive payments. If you did not make post-discharge payments on your Loan listed on Exhibit 1 to the Notice, then you are not entitled to a payment. If there are no dollar amounts listed in the Damages column on Exhibit 1, then you are not entitled to a payment. And, to obtain a payment for all or a portion of the amount listed in the Damages column of Exhibit 1, you must have submitted a Claim Form as explained elsewhere in the Notice.

  • No.  The Settlement fund was not sufficient to pay 100% of the amounts set forth in the Damages/Post-Discharge Payments column on the Claim Form to the Notice. The payment amount of eligible Class Members is subject to change based on the number of eligible Claims that were received.  The initial estimate that Claimants would receive anywhere from 37% to 100% of the amounts listed in the Damages column on the Claim Form. The actual pro rata percentage of Damages across the Class totaled 95.96%.  Each Claimant in this Settlement received 95.96% of the portion they paid of the Damages/Post-Discharge Payments on their Exhibit 1/Claim form.

  • Settlement payments were mailed to eligible Class Members on July 18, 2024. 



  • If you did not timely exclude yourself from the Class, Navient will forego collection of the amounts reflected in the Discharged Debt column in the Claim Form. The Stipulation of Settlement between the parties states that Navient will forego collection on covered loan discharged amounts, and will refrain from trade line credit reporting on discharged amounts on covered loans. Navient has agreed to follow through on these actions as of the Effective Date of the Settlement. If Navient continues to send collection notices on covered discharged loan amounts, you will need to contact Navient directly.

  • We are unable to make any recommendation as to whether you should continue to make payments on any student loan, as we may not provide financial recommendations or provide legal advice.  We encourage you to read through the Important Documents on the Settlement website when deciding your options.  Please note that the Settlement will only affect those loans included in your Claim Form. If Navient continues to send collection notices on covered discharged loan amounts, you will need to contact Navient directly.

  • The Bankruptcy Court has designated the lawyers listed below to represent you and other Class Members. These lawyers are called “Class Counsel.” Class Counsel may apply to the District Court for an award of attorneys’ fees and for the reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses that they have paid in pursuit of this Lawsuit.  Any amount of attorneys’ fees and case expenses approved by the District Court will be paid out of the Settlement Fund and will reduce the amount available to pay to Class Members who submit Claim Forms.

    You have the right to retain your own lawyer to represent you in this case, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do hire your own lawyer, you will have to pay his or her legal fees and expenses. You had the right to represent yourself before the District Court without a lawyer.

    The Bankruptcy Court has designated the following lawyers as Class Counsel:

    Jason W. Burge
    Fishman Haygood LLP
    201 St. Charles Avenue, 46th Floor
    New Orleans, Louisiana 70170
    504) 586-5252

    Lynn E. Swanson
    Jones Swanson Huddell LLC
    601 Poydras Street, Suite 2655
    New Orleans, Louisiana 70130
    (504) 523-2500

    Adam R Shaw
    George F. Carpinello
    Boies Schiller & Flexner LLP
    30 South Pearl Street, 11th Floor
    Albany, New York 12207
    (888) 386-0868

    James A. Francis
    John Soumilas
    Jordan M. Sartell
    Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C.
    1600 Market St., Suite 2510
    Philadelphia, PA 19103
    215-735-8600; 215-940-8000 (fax)

    Erika Angelos Heath
    Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C.
    369 Pine Street, Suite 410
    San Francisco, CA 94104
    628-246-1352; 215-940-8000 (fax)

    James A. Michel
    The Law Office of James Michel
    2912 Diamond St. #373
    San Francisco, CA 94131-3208


  • Class Counsel have prosecuted this case on a contingent-fee basis and have not been paid anything to date for their services. Class Counsel will apply to the District Court for an award of attorneys’ fees and for the reimbursement of case expenses to be paid out of the Settlement Fund. Class Counsel expect to apply for an amount of fees not to exceed $14,000,000. Similarly, Class Representatives who have represented members of this Class in various actions will each be paid an award not to exceed $15,000 out of the Settlement Fund for their representation of the Class. These payments will reduce the amount available to pay damages to Class Members who submit Exhibit 1/Claim Forms.

  • To exclude yourself from the Class, you must have completed and served at the address below a written request that includes the case name (Kenneth J. Woodard v. Navient Solutions, LLC), your name and address, and a statement that indicates a desire to be excluded from the Settlement Class, such as “I hereby request to be excluded from the Settlement Class in the Action.” The request must have been signed by you. Your exclusion request must have been postmarked no later than November 8, 2023, and sent to:

    Settlement Administrator:
    Woodard v Navient Solutions
    c/o JND Legal Administration
    PO Box 91357
    Seattle, WA 98111

  • If you requested exclusion from the Settlement Class:

    • You will not be eligible for any payment or other benefits under the Settlement.
    • You will not be allowed to object to the terms of the Settlement.
    • You will not be bound by any subsequent rulings entered in this case.
    • You will keep your right to sue or be part of any other lawsuit against the Defendants about the issues in this case.

    If your request for exclusion was late or deficient, you will still be considered a part of the Settlement Class, you will be bound by the Settlement and by all other orders and judgments in this Lawsuit, and you will not be able to participate in any other lawsuits based on the claims in this case.

  • No. Upon approval of the Settlement by the District Court, if you did not exclude yourself from the Settlement Class, you released (gave up) all claims against the Defendants with respect to the Covered Loan or Loans listed on Exhibit 1 to the Notice.

  • Unless you excluded yourself, you cannot sue or be part of any other lawsuit against the Defendants about the issues in this case.  Unless you excluded yourself, all of the decisions, orders, and judgments by the Bankruptcy Court and the District Court will bind you. You will be releasing the Defendants (and certain related parties) from all of the claims described and identified in the Stipulation of Settlement. Unless you excluded yourself, you will be giving up any right to recover any damages or other monetary relief from the Defendants related to the Covered Loans (other than all or a portion of the amount set forth in the Damages column on Exhibit 1 to the Notice upon the timely submission of a Claim Form), including any damages for injury to your credit, mental anguish, or other injuries you may have suffered from Navient’s collection activities on Covered Loans. The Stipulation of Settlement provides more detail regarding the scope of the release.

  • No. If you remain a member of the Settlement Class, you will be enjoined and barred from initiating or continuing any lawsuit or other proceeding against the Defendants with respect to the Covered Student Loan or Loans listed on Exhibit 1 to the Notice.

  • The deadline to object to this Settlement was November 8, 2023.

    If you chose to remain a member of the Settlement Class, you had a right to object in writing to any part of the Settlement.

    Your written objection must have included:

    • The case name and number.
    • Your name, address, telephone number, and email (if available).
    • If you are represented by a lawyer, the name, address, telephone number, and email (if available) of your lawyer.
    • A written statement of the basis for your objection(s).
    • A statement of whether you intended to appear and argue at the Final Approval Hearing, with or without a lawyer.

    Your written objection must have been filed with the Court at the address Clerk of the United States District Court for the District of Nebraska, 111 South 18th Plaza, Suite 1152, Omaha, Nebraska, 68102. no later than November 8, 2023.

  • Objecting is simply a way of telling the District Court that you don’t like some aspect of the Settlement. You could object only if you remained a member of the Settlement Class. If you objected to the Settlement, you still remain a member of the Settlement Class and you will still be eligible to receive Settlement benefits. If you objected to the Settlement, but wish to receive any part of the amounts listed in the Damages column on Exhibit 1, you need to have submitted a Claim Form. You will also be bound by any subsequent rulings in the Lawsuit and you will not be able to file or participate in any other lawsuit or proceeding based upon or relating to the claims, causes of action, or circumstances alleged in the Lawsuit. If the District Court disagrees with your objection, you will still remain a member of the Settlement Class and will be bound by the District Court’s rulings.

    Excluding yourself is telling the District Court that you don’t want to a part of the Settlement Class. If you excluded yourself, you have no basis to object to the Settlement or to appear at the Final Approval Hearing because the Settlement will not affect your rights.

  • On December 8, 2023 at 1:30 pm, the District Court held a Final Approval Hearing at the United States District Court for the District of Nebraska before the Honorable Chief Judge Robert F. Rossiter, Jr. at 111 South 18th Plaza, Omaha, Nebraska 68102.  The case number in the District Court is 23-cv-00301-RFR.  The Settlement was approved on January 11, 2024.  You can read the Final Judgment and Order as well as the Memorandum and Order Granting Final Approval in the Important Documents section.  Claims are being reviewed at this time and payments will be made once the Claims administration process is completed. Please continue to check back on the Settlement website for updates.

  • No. Class Counsel answered questions the District Court may have had at the Final Approval Hearing.

  • If you are a member of the Settlement Class, and you (or your attorney) wanted to appear and speak at the Final Approval Hearing, you (or your attorney) must have submitted a written objection and must have filed a Notice of Intention to Appear at the Final Approval Hearing. Your Notice of Intention to Appear at the Final Approval Hearing, along with any papers, exhibits, or other evidence you intend to present, must have been filed with the District Court at the address 111 South 18th Plaza, Omaha, Nebraska 68102 and must have been served on Class Counsel and Defense Counsel  by no later than November 8, 2023.

    If you filed objections and appeared at the Final Approval Hearing, you will still be eligible for benefits under the Settlement and you would have still been able to file an Exhibit 1/Claim Form, subject to the terms and conditions discussed in the Notice and in the Stipulation of Settlement.

  • The deadline is past to submit a Claim.  To have been eligible for potential payment of any amounts listed in the Damages column on Exhibit 1, the Claim filing deadline was November 13, 2023.  If you have not yet filed a Claim, it is past the deadline to do so. The Court ruled that late Claims filed before December 8, 2023, were accepted.

  • The deadline to cure deficiencies has passed.  Deficiency letters were sent out to Claimants who have deficient or invalid Claims.  Claimants had to follow the directions provided on the Deficiency letter and respond in writing by the deadline of March 28, 2024, which has passed.

  • The deadline to cure deficiencies has passed. Class Members may only have one active Claim per loan.  You have more than one Claim filed; prior to the Deficiency letter, the most complete Claim was considered your active Claim; any other Claim was considered a duplicate.  The deficiency letter did not affect the eligibility of your active Claim (unless you asked us to reinstate the duplicate Claim.)  If you did nothing in response to the Deficiency letter, we would have voided your duplicate Claim or Claims and would have considered your most complete Claim active.  If, however, you expressly asked us to reinstate or replace your more complete Claim with the duplicate Claim, that duplicate Claim became your active Claim.  

    All responses must have included the corresponding claim number and have been received on or before March 28, 2024, which has passed. All responses and requests must have been submitted in writing, by email to info@WoodardVNavient.com or by mail to:

    Woodard v. Navient Solutions Settlement
    c/o JND Legal Administration
    P.O. Box 91357
    Seattle, WA 98111

  • The deadline to cure deficiencies has passed. Your submitted Claim was not signed.  Without a signature, your Claim will be denied. To cure this deficiency, you must have mailed or emailed a written and signed request to the Claims Administrator stating that you accepted the Certification terms at the bottom of your Claim Form. Electronic signatures were acceptable. 

    All responses must have included the corresponding claim number and have been received on or before March 28, 2024, which has passed. All responses and requests must have been submitted in writing, by email to info@WoodardVNavient.com or by mail to:

    Woodard v. Navient Solutions Settlement
    c/o JND Legal Administration
    P.O. Box 91357
    Seattle, WA 98111

  • The deadline to cure deficiencies has passed. The “Portion I Paid” field of your Claim Form was filled out with a value of “Zero”. If the amount of the portion that you paid is actually zero, no further action was required on your behalf. However, if the portion of the damages/Post-Discharge Payments that you paid is more than zero dollars, you would have needed to amend your Claim by submitting a correction of the “Portion I Paid” amount.  

    All responses must have included the corresponding claim number and have been received on or before March 28, 2024, which has passed. All responses and requests must have been submitted in writing, by email to info@WoodardVNavient.com or by mail to:

    Woodard v. Navient Solutions Settlement
    c/o JND Legal Administration
    P.O. Box 91357
    Seattle, WA 98111

  • The deadline to cure deficiencies has passed. The “Portion I Paid” field of your Claim Form was left blank. You needed to have amended your Claim by submitting a correction of the “Portion I Paid” amount. The “Portion I Paid” section is supposed to be the amount of the damages/Post-Discharge Payments that you paid. You needed to amend your Claim by submitting a correction of the “Portion I Paid” amount to reflect the amount of the damages/Post-Discharge Payments that you paid. 

    Additionally, your submitted Claim was not signed.  Without a signature, your Claim will be denied. To cure this deficiency, you needed to have mailed or emailed a written and signed request to the Claims Administrator stating that you accept the Certification terms at the bottom of your Claim Form. Electronic signatures are acceptable. 

    All responses must have included the corresponding claim number and have been received on or before March 28, 2024, which has passed. All responses and requests must have been submitted in writing, by email to info@WoodardVNavient.com or by mail to:

    Woodard v. Navient Solutions Settlement
    c/o JND Legal Administration
    P.O. Box 91357
    Seattle, WA 98111

  • The deadline to cure deficiencies has passed. Your claim was filed after the Claim Filing Deadline on November 13, 2023, and also after the Final Approval Hearing before the Nebraska District Court on December 8, 2023, and is therefore ineligible. This condition is only curable if the Claim was postmarked, emailed, or submitted online on or before midnight (PST) on December 8, 2023, and proof of the timely submission is provided. 

    All responses must have included the corresponding claim number and have been received on or before March 28, 2024, which has passed. All responses and requests must have been submitted in writing, by email to info@WoodardVNavient.com or by mail to:

    Woodard v. Navient Solutions Settlement
    c/o JND Legal Administration
    P.O. Box 91357
    Seattle, WA 98111

  • The deadline to cure deficiencies has passed. The “Portion I Paid” field of your Claim Form was left blank. You needed to have amended your Claim by submitting a correction of the “Portion I Paid” amount. The “Portion I Paid” section is supposed to be the amount of the damages/Post-Discharge Payments that you paid. You needed to have amended your Claim by submitting a correction of the “Portion I Paid” amount to reflect the amount of the damages/Post-Discharge Payments that you paid. 

    All responses must have included the corresponding claim number and have been received on or before March 28, 2024, which has passed. All responses and requests must have been submitted in writing, by email to info@WoodardVNavient.com or by mail to:

    Woodard v. Navient Solutions Settlement
    c/o JND Legal Administration
    P.O. Box 91357
    Seattle, WA 98111

  • The deadline to cure deficiencies has passed. If you have a Co-Borrower, or if you are a Co-Borrower on any loan covered by this Settlement and both of you filed Claims, and the total “Portion I Paid” claimed by all Borrowers exceeds the Post-Discharge Payments amount, you and your Co-Borrower likely received deficiency letters on the basis of Multiple Borrowers “Portion I Paid” Overage. Under the Settlement Agreement, the total amount of the “Portion I Paid” claimed by all Borrowers on a loan cannot exceed the Post-Discharge Payments amount as printed on your Claim Form(s). To cure this condition, you and/or your Co-Borrower(s) must have provided what amount(s), if any, of the Post-Discharge Payments amount, as indicated on your Claim Form(s), that you each personally paid. The total amount claimed by you and your Co-Borrower(s) cannot exceed the Post-Discharge Payments amount as printed on your Claim Form.

    All responses must have included the corresponding claim number and have been received on or before March 28, 2024, which has passed. All responses and requests must have been submitted in writing, by email to info@WoodardVNavient.com or by mail to:

    Woodard v. Navient Solutions Settlement
    c/o JND Legal Administration
    P.O. Box 91357
    Seattle, WA 98111

  • The deadline to cure deficiencies has passed.  The “Portion I Paid” field of your Claim Form was filled out with an amount which exceeds your Post-Discharge Payments amount. 

    Under the Settlement Agreement, the amount of your “Portion I Paid” section you may claim cannot exceed the Post-Discharge Payments amount as printed on your Claim Form. You cannot receive more than the amount of the Post-Discharge Payments.  If you did nothing, the amount of the Portion-I Paid section will be capped by the Settlement Administrator at the Post-Discharge Payment amount and deemed equal to the Post-Discharge Payment amount. This deficiency will not affect your Claim’s eligibility under the Settlement, but it will affect the amount of any monetary benefits you receive, in that you are ineligible for any amount over and above the Post-Discharge Payments amount. 

    All responses must have included the corresponding claim number and have been received on or before March 28, 2024, which has passed. All responses and requests must have been submitted in writing, by email to info@WoodardVNavient.com or by mail to:

    Woodard v. Navient Solutions Settlement
    c/o JND Legal Administration
    P.O. Box 91357
    Seattle, WA 98111

  • The Notice summarizes the Settlement. More details are contained in the full Stipulation of Settlement. The full Stipulation of Settlement is on file with the Clerk of the Court and posted in the Important Documents section. For a more detailed statement of the matters involved in the Settlement and the Lawsuit, you may review the Stipulation of Settlement, the complaints, and the other papers on file in the Clerk’s office at any time during normal business hours, or by visiting the Important Documents section.


For More Information

Visit this website often to get the most up-to-date information.

Woodard v Navient Solutions
c/o JND Legal Administration
PO Box 91357
Seattle, WA 98111